
Logo of the Museo del Desierto



entrance to the Museo del Desierto

Cathedral of SaltilloCathedral of Saltillo

The city of Saltillo and the Sierra Madre Oriental

The city of Saltillo in the Sierra Madre Oriental



Technical Notes

The meeting is cancelled. We are looking for a new date and a new location.


The official conference language is English. Abstracts have to be submitted in English (download template). Posters are also admitted in Spanish.


Please bring your power-point presentations on USB or CD at least 20 minutes before session starts (not before your talk starts). Both Windows and MacOS based systems are available.

Presentations are 15 minutes plus 5 minutes discussion.


Poster sizes should be no more than 120 cm high and 84 cm wide.


Please indicate with your abstract submission (as part of the abstract text) your preference for Poster / Oral contribution.


Editor: Email
Latest Revision: 2014-06-03
zum Seitenanfang/up